EZ Bar Upright Row

The EZ bar upright row is a popular exercise in weightlifting and bodybuilding. It is a highly effective exercise that is designed to target several key muscle groups in the upper body, which include the shoulders, traps, biceps, core, and upper back of the body. It is a compound exercise that requires a combination of strength, stability, and control to perform correctly, making it an excellent addition to any upper-body workout routine.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at how to perform the EZ upright row exercise correctly, the benefits of including it in your workout routine, the muscles worked, and some variations you can try to mix things up.

EZ Bar Upright Row Muscles Worked

The upright rows is a compound exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the upper body, particularly the shoulders, traps, and upper back. As a multi-joint exercise, it requires the activation and coordination of several muscle groups to perform the movement correctly and effectively.


The primary muscle group targeted during the upright row is the shoulders or deltoids. Specifically, the exercise targets the lateral deltoids or the middle part of the shoulder muscle. During the movement, the shoulder muscles are responsible for lifting the weight from the starting position up toward the chin.


The trapezius or traps are another muscle group that is highly activated during the upright row exercise. The upper traps are located on either side of the neck, and they play a crucial role in shoulder movement and stability. As the weight is lifted during the upright row, the traps are engaged to help stabilize the shoulder girdle and prevent excessive movement or rotation.

Upper Back

In addition to the shoulders and traps, the upper back muscles also play a vital role in the upright row exercise. The rhomboids and rear deltoids, in particular, are highly activated during the movement. These muscles help to retract the shoulder blades and pull them back towards the spine, which is essential for maintaining proper posture and alignment throughout the exercise.


Finally, the forearms are also engaged during the upright row exercise, specifically the brachioradialis muscle. This muscle is responsible for flexing the elbow joint and helps to stabilize the wrist during the movement.


The rhomboids are one of the key muscles worked during the EZ bar row exercise. These muscles are located in the upper back and are responsible for retracting the shoulder blades and pulling them back toward the spine. During the EZ bar row, the rhomboids are highly activated to help maintain proper posture and form throughout the movement.


The biceps are another muscle group that is heavily targeted during the EZ bar row exercise. As a pulling exercise, the EZ bar row requires the activation of the biceps to help flex the elbow joint and lift the weight toward the chest. By working the biceps during the EZ bar row, you can help to develop strength and size in this muscle group, which is essential for many other upper body exercises.


Although the EZ bar row primarily targets the upper body muscles, the core also plays a vital role in the movement. To perform the EZ bar row correctly, your core muscles must be activated in order to help stabilize your spine and help maintain proper posture. By working the core during the EZ bar row, you can help to develop greater overall core strength and stability, which can translate to improved performance in other exercises and activities.

Benefits of EZ Bar Upright Row Exercise

There are several benefits that can be gained from the upright row exercise using the EZ bar, including:

Strengthens Shoulder and Upper Back Muscles

The EZ bar upright row exercise is an excellent way to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder and upper back. By targeting the lateral deltoids, traps, and rhomboids, this exercise can help to improve shoulder and upper back strength and stability, which can translate to better posture and reduced risk of injury.

Enhances Upper Body Definition

In addition to strengthening the shoulder and upper back muscles, the EZ bar upright row exercise can also help to enhance upper body definition. By targeting the shoulders and upper back, this exercise can help to develop greater muscle mass and definition in these areas, giving the upper body a more defined and toned appearance.

Improves Shoulder Mobility

This exercise can also help to improve shoulder mobility and range of motion. By targeting the lateral deltoids and traps, this exercise can help to stretch and strengthen these muscles, which can improve overall shoulder flexibility and mobility.

Increases Grip Strength

The EZ bar upright row exercise can also help to increase grip strength. By gripping the EZ bar during the exercise, you can help to strengthen the muscles of the hands and forearms, which can improve overall grip strength and performance in other exercises and activities.

Versatile Exercise

The upright row exercise with an EZ bar is a versatile exercise that can be performed in a variety of ways in order to target all the muscles in the body. By varying the grip width or using different equipment, you can target different muscle groups and add variety to your workout routine.

Improves Posture

Poor posture is a common problem for many people, particularly those who spend long hours sitting or working at a desk. This exercise can help to improve posture by targeting the muscles of the upper back and shoulders, which are important for maintaining proper posture and alignment.

Enhances Athletic Performance

Finally, the EZ bar upright row exercise can also help to enhance athletic performance. By improving upper body strength and mobility, grip strength, and posture, this exercise can help to improve overall athletic performance in a variety of sports and activities.

How To Perform EZ Bar Upright Row Correctly?

To perform the upright row exercise correctly with an EZ bar, follow these steps:

  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and gripping the EZ bar with an overhand grip. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and your palms should be facing towards your body.
  2. Throughout the exercise, make sure that your back is straight and your core is engaged. Avoid rounding your back or arching it excessively.
  3. Begin the movement by slowly lifting the EZ bar up towards your chin, keeping it close to your body as you lift. Make sure to use your shoulders and upper back muscles when performing the movement.
  4. As soon as you have completed the movement, pause briefly, then slowly lower back down the EZ bar to its starting position, maintaining control and proper form throughout the whole process.
  5. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions, aiming for 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Important Tips

  • Avoid using momentum to lift the weight during the EZ bar upright row. Instead, focus on using controlled movements and proper form to target the desired muscle groups.
  • Keep your elbows pointed outwards during the exercise to engage the shoulders and upper back muscles more effectively.
  • Avoid lifting the weight too high or too close to your face, as this can put unnecessary strain on the neck and shoulders.
  • If you experience any pain or discomfort during the exercise, stop immediately and seek medical advice before continuing.

Common Mistakes While Performing EZ Bar Upright Row

If you are performing the upright row exercise with an EZ bar, the following are some common mistakes that you should avoid:

Using Too Much Weight

One of the most common mistakes people make while performing the EZ bar upright row exercise is using too much weight. This can lead to improper form and can put unnecessary strain on the shoulder and upper back muscles. It’s important to choose a weight that is challenging but manageable and to focus on proper form and control throughout the exercise.

Rounding the Back

Another common mistake is rounding the back during the exercise. This can put a strain on the lower back and can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise in targeting the shoulder and upper back muscles. During the exercise, it is important to keep the posture and alignment correct, keeping the back straight and engaging the core at all times.

Lifting the Bar Too High

Lifting the EZ bar too high can also be a common mistake. As a result, the neck and shoulders will be put under unnecessary strain, and the risk of injury will be increased. It’s important to lift the bar only as high as the chin or upper chest and to maintain control and proper form throughout the movement.

Flaring the Elbows

Flaring the elbows outwards during the exercise can also be a mistake, as it can shift the emphasis away from the shoulder and upper back muscles and onto the biceps. It’s important to keep the elbows pointed outwards during the exercise, allowing the shoulder and upper back muscles to do the work.

Not Breathing Properly

Finally, not breathing properly during the exercise can also be a mistake. It’s important to inhale deeply before lifting the EZ bar and exhale forcefully as you lift, maintaining proper breathing throughout the movement. As a result, overall performance can be improved, and injury risks can be reduced as a result.

As long as you avoid these mistakes and focus on proper form and control during this exercise, you will be able to maximize the benefits of the EZ bar upright row exercise and prevent injuries from occurring.

EZ bar Upright Row alternatives and variations

If you’re looking for alternatives or variations to the EZ bar upright row exercise, here are some options you may consider:

Dumbbell Upright Row

The dumbbell upright row is a great alternative to the EZ bar upright row. It is performed in a similar manner but with dumbbells instead of an EZ bar. This exercise can help to improve shoulder and upper back strength and mobility and can be performed with a variety of weights and grip widths.

Cable Upright Row

The cable upright row is another alternative to the EZ bar upright row. It is performed using a cable machine and can help to target the same muscles as the EZ bar upright row. This exercise can be performed with a variety of cable attachments and grip widths and can be a great way to add variety to your workout routine.

Resistance Band Upright Row

The resistance band upright row is another great alternative to the EZ bar upright row. It is performed using a resistance band and can be a great way to add resistance to your workout without the need for weights or equipment. This exercise can be performed with a variety of resistance bands and grip widths and can help to improve upper body strength and mobility.

Barbell Upright Row

The barbell upright row is a variation of the EZ bar upright row that is performed using a barbell. This exercise can be performed with a variety of grip widths and weights and can be a great way to target the same muscles as the EZ bar upright row while adding variety to your workout routine.

Inverted Row

The inverted row is another great exercise that can target the same muscles as the EZ bar upright row. This exercise is performed using a barbell or suspension trainer and involves pulling your body up towards the bar or suspension trainer. This exercise can help to improve upper body strength and posture and can be a great way to add variety to your workout routine.

Overall, there are many EZ bar upright row alternatives and variations that can help to target the same muscles and add variety to your workout routine. By incorporating these exercises into your workout routine, you can continue to challenge your body and improve your overall fitness and health.


Is the EZ Bar Upright Row a Safe Exercise?

The EZ bar upright row can be a safe and effective exercise when performed with proper form and control. However, it can put a strain on the shoulder and upper back muscles if performed incorrectly and should be avoided by individuals with shoulder or upper back injuries or conditions.

How Many Reps and Sets Should I do for the EZ Bar Upright Row?

The number of reps and sets for the EZ bar upright row can vary depending on your fitness goals and experience level. As a general guideline, aim for 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps, with a weight that is challenging but manageable. Be sure to take breaks between sets to allow your muscles to recover.

Can I Perform the EZ Bar Upright Row with a Straight Bar?

While the EZ bar upright row is traditionally performed with an EZ bar, it can also be performed with a straight bar. However, the EZ bar may be more comfortable for some individuals and can reduce strain on the wrists and elbows.

When I do the Upright Row, Why do I Feel Shoulder Pain? 

Shoulder pain during the upright row can occur due to incorrect form, such as lifting the weight too high or using too much weight. It can also be caused by underlying shoulder issues or weaknesses in the rotator cuff muscles. Consulting with a healthcare professional and adjusting your form and weight can help alleviate shoulder pain.

When Performing the Upright Row, How Can You Reduce Forearm Stimulation?

To reduce forearm stimulation during the upright row, try using an overhand grip instead of an underhand grip. Also, avoid using a grip that is too narrow or too wide. Additionally, using wrist wraps can help reduce forearm activation and strain.

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